Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I don't know what it is about October, but I get sick EVERY year at this time. Blecch.

Naperville Now will be in bed trying to breathe until further notice.


BFL said...

Hope you feel better soon. Use the time to read a good book, if your eyes are not too watery. I have been crowing about making yet another airplane trip without the subsequent cold. But this morning my throat is scratchy, so we shall see.

Kathy and Freddy said...

Well, the LitChix certainly missed you. You must be really sick to have opted out of Champagne and hors d'oeuvres! (oh, and book discussion)
Please keep breathing.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with Kathy, please keep breathing! And feel better soon! Hot tea with lemon and or honey is always good.

Char said...

Feel better,cookie. Need some chicken soup?

Lynn said...

Right there with you, girl. My annual sinus infection came this year taking no prisoners. Autumn is so pretty, yet I find myself dreading October. ZPak works wonders! Feel better!