Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lots Of Choices

A young friend of ours has graduated from Naperville North and has, in fact, begun her college studies in Chicago.

In that I am way behind with our usual high school graduation token, I found this card -- quickly -- at Kohl's. The quickly part is important to understand. The sign on the card rack said "Graduation," and I needed a card. Quickly.

This card, I realized at home and after I had addressed the envelope, was designed for a male graduate of color. In fact, Mahogany is the name of the line of cards.

Feeling pretty dumb about now.


Char said...

I wouldn't like you as well, if color was what you noticed first about the world. Not so dumb.

Sharon said...

If I hadn't worked at Ginny's Hallmark for a few months I wouldn't have known either. And what does it matter, a graduate is a graduate no color involved.