Tuesday, November 10, 2009

On the Right Path

As you may have read here and elsewhere, residents living near Royce Road dodged a serious garden RPG this summer. The existing garden plots on West Street will be enhanced while our corner of paradise will remain unmolested, at least for the time being. Thank you once again, powers that be.

However, a new bike path was forged in the wilderness this summer at the intersection of Royce and Washington roads, meandering toward Whalon Lake. We headed out on Sunday to check on its progress.

I love this path. I've never been taller nor looked so thin. (Honey, you look great, too.)

There is still work to be done, of course. And on Sunday, when these awesome photographs were taken, workers were swarming on both sides of the path, raking, seeding and conferring. (Did I mention conferring?)

Bikers whizzed by us, joggers plodded onward and yellow labs outnumbered all other breeds 3-to-1. Go us, for being so aerobic on Nov. 8th.

Once complete, I daresay we will have a really awesome, available to everyone, cost effective, reasonably aesthetic enhancement to our town.

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