Thursday, March 21, 2013


In honor of this week's lesson on the letter R over by Mrs. Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday, I offer the word random, a state of mind/being/thinking that seems to be happening to me a lot lately. 

Drinking champagne at last night's book club didn't help.

Bubbly, awesome snacks and literary discussion rule the nights when we meet. If you don't have a club, invite your pals/random strangers and start one. Need book recommendations? The Snow Child by Ivey. The Member of the Wedding by McCullers. Olive Kitteridge by Strout. A start. 

You're welcome. 

My mother's vacuum cleaner, alive and well and living at the Home Show at Kane County last week.

A vendor had this beauty on display. It stopped traffic.  Then he tried to sell me a $2400 vacuum system. I just wanted the Electrolux. That chrome is irresistible.

(Sorry for the blur. I was so tickled with the backstory on these jeans that I couldn't keep my hands still.)

Last week, we were shopping en masse on 75th Street. Our daughter picked up darling outfits for the kids (spring break looms), among them these jeans with the sparkly belt.

Betsy got everything home and went to pre-wash her haul, pausing just long enough to call me and say, "Remember those jeans I picked out for Charley? They say dry-clean only! Who sends four-inch pants to the cleaners?"

They came through the wash just fine.


Irene said...

I remember vacuum cleaners like that, and yes, I guess that does date me. I think the one my mother had was indestructible too, because she had it for many years. I do not think they make them like that anymore.

Those little jeans are adorable, but imagine making them dry clean only!

Anonymous said...

Delightful post for R ~ love the little guy ~ He definitely steals the show ~ ^_^

Stacia said...

Dry-clean only?? I would have put them in the washing machine, too!

Ingrid said...

Would never come into my mind to dry clean Jeans ! You were lucky, lol !

Leovi said...

I would love that chance to bring me a glass of champagne to enjoy with love.

Tempest Nightingale LeTrope said...

Old vacuum cleaners and old refrigerators rocked. My parents' refrigerator that they got in 1958 didn't give up the ghost until something like 1988.
These new vacuum cleaners tend to die every year. I don't even see the sense to getting an expensive one. Those die just the same.

Eden House News and views said...

Good posting thank you

storybeader said...

that's funny about the dry-cleaning for little pants! I belong to a book club too, and we usually drink wine. Sometimes I indulge... {:-Deb

Beth said...

Dry clean childrens clothes? Ridiculous!
I love the sparkly belt, wonder if I could find one for me. It sure wouldn't be as cute as Charley's.

Sharon said...

Priceless post and love the napkins! We do have fun, don't we?

Pondside said...

Thanks for the book suggestions!

Jim said...

Hey Sue ~~ Random things are a good post for "R" word day. Your daughter is cute in those pants. Soon she will grow into them.

Stay warm (or come back South),

EG CameraGirl said...

How strange that jeans would be dry-clean only!

Yes, book clubs are great, I heartily agree!

sandy said...

Isn't that a crazy price just for a vacuum cleaner? outrageous is more like it, I wonder what kind of profit they make?
I would love to live nearby and attend your book club with you! Sounds like fun.
I read down to the bottom of this page to catch up on your posts and laughed so much at the cotton candy story LOL! too funny. Sounds just like something I would do.
I hope it turns warmer for you very soon!!

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Love my Oreck...light and easy. Cute britches, glad they came out ok!

Kathy and Freddy said...

Sounds like I missed a wonderful book club. Great cocktail napkins.
Is there anything in the world that you truly, really have to dry clean??? I think no.

laurie said...

excellent book suggestions. and we had that very same vacuum.

i don't dry-clean anything. even when i'm supposed to.

Jenny said...

Random is the perfect R word for this post...

The little pair of jeans Really steal the show though...

Remarkable job!!!
