Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fresh From Galway City

My friend Barb, a journalism professor from Rhode Island, traveled to Ireland in early June to check out castles, girl pirates, pubs and the occasional singing group from my hometown.

It's a long way to Galway City.

I must confess we have yet to hear the Naperville Chorus perform on any continent. And while I am quite sure the chorus is splendid, we tend to listen to the Naperville Men's Glee Club when we are in a classics/spirituals/folk song state of mind.

In fact, the Glee Club is performing at the Bandshell tonight, which isn't much of a forewarning, sorry to say. But you can catch the Eventide performance at 5 p.m. Sunday, July 24 in Elmhurst.


Carol said...

Ooooh the Glee club? I hope they do Lady GaGa's new song!

Kathy and Freddy said...

all the way from Illinois, USA!

BFL said...

I could not have been more surprised when I glanced at a bulletin board on the way out of that Galway church and saw this. My companions thought I was a bit daffy when I stopped to take the photo.

Naperville Now said...

A reporter's eye never sleeps.