Of course, being faithful readers, you already know all about our future slice of heaven.
Meanwhile, in defense of all the horrible things going on in the world, I offer this bit of reality to cheer
These are my neighbor's. My Lilies of the Valley are so puny, they're not blog-worthy. I look at these and want to pin them on the grooms and groomsmen of the world.
Speaking of weddings, if you get to Geneva in the next day or so, check out the bridal spirea in front of Cocoon on Third Street. Such an amazing, swooopy creation. I didn't have my camera with me last Saturday, but it looked even better than this:
Now, honey, that's a plant to be reckoned with.
Okay, they're saying this economic reverb in the U.S. was a computer glitch. Or Al Quaeda. Or something. I don't know. It makes my head hurt.
All I know is that we need more flowers and other signs of prosperity in this world. Because there's a PLAN, people.
That spirea is a childhood memory for me. That looks just like the side of my grandparent's house
Love your "Now, Honey". You're on your way to becoming a true Southerner. Now practice saying "Bless Her Heart".
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