I just can't commit to making New Year's resolutions.
When I quit smoking in 1991, I figured resolving to breathe was enough resolution for one lifetime.
But I am grateful to and for many things:

Our backyard. Filled with trees, hostas and a relentless supply of chipmunks, we are grateful for the lush shade and surprising beauty. Thanks, Dave, for making us look good. Thanks, Charlie, for carrying the landscape baton so well.
Young House Love, a fabulous house blog written by a young couple in Richmond, VA, who describe themselves as "hopeless DIYers." Funny, informative, filled with great pictures, it is home improvement lived vicariously. Bottom line -- I love progress, even if it is someone else's.
Downton Abbey, resuming next Sunday. I love you, PBS. Thank you for broadcasting one delightful show after an other. And if you see Julian Fellowes, tell him this writer is available and can start on next season's script im-me-djetly.
Possibility. The room I write in is filled with it. Fabric, paint, books, an old typewriter, sewing machine, pens, art, antiques, photographs, a multitude of projects in mid-creation. I am inspired by what I see, even if I'm not as fast as I would like completing things.
Between now and your first champagne, make a list of what fills you with gratitude and let me know what you've discovered. I am always grateful for a good list.
Each week Naperville Now participates in Mrs. Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday. This week we will be studying the letter G. See what other Alphabetarians are writing about here.
I love the feeling of possibility that comes with the dawn of a New Year. I'll take the time over the next few days to think about gratitude and get back to you!
I can't wait for the new year to start because I don't so much have resolutions, as well have the courage to take on anything. Happy New Year!
I am grateful for the many people, family and friends, who enrich my life.
Thanks for reminding me to tell them!
Mahalo for your blog. From Honolulu Delta Bus Class Lounge
Hi there-
Happy New Year! I'm reaching out to some local community members for a fun post we are doing on our blog and would love to include your site!
Just wondering which local Naperville restaurant you would recommend for Valentine's Day? And why? It doesn't have to be an all-time favorite restaurant, but a good option that fits with Valentine's Day and a reason why you believe it's a good choice for this particular day. (ex. delicious food, romantic atmosphere, most economical after Christmas spending, best personalized service--or maybe a good option for a family restaurant if parents want to take their kids also!)
With your feedback, we will include information about you, as well as a link to your site (and a shoutout to the restaurant you choose!). We will be doing outreach, and would like to generate some buzz on the choices! It should be a fun local post!
Have a great day!
Jodi Bakken, community outreach manager, Bill Jacobs Volkswagon, http://blog.billjacobsvw.com/
I am grateful for your blog,Mrs. JP
We are not grateful because we are happy but rather happy because we are grateful
That's a perfect G word! We all need to reflect a bit on the things we are grateful for.
what a wonderful post ~ attitude of gratitude is such a gift ~ love yours ^_^
I am grateful to have my son here for Xmas for the first time in several years ~ (lives out of state) my doggie, family, friends, good health, creativity and Life!
(A Creative Harbor aka ArtMusedog and Carol ^_^)
Great post! As each year goes by I find myself more grateful for the little things. I wish I had taken time to do this when my son was little but I will enjoy every minute with the g'babies!
Love your positive attitude that shows through your grateful spirit!
A good list to celebrate the new year. Happy 2013.
Gratefulness is one of my husband's favourite words (which is one of the many reasons why I love him <3).
Taking the time out of our busy schedules to remember all the reasons to be grateful is a lovely way to start a new year.
I'm grateful for your timely reminder :-)
I am so ready for Downton Abbey to start. I have been watching all the reruns.
Happy new year. I am not into new year resolutions either. I know I can't keep them so ........
Also grateful for the return of Downton Abbey...
Great G post :)
What a wonderful G post! I don't make resolutions, but I'm very grateful that I quit smoking, too, in 1998. It was tough, but I haven't had one since.
I'm also grateful that while sick over the holidays, my husband became addicted to Downtown Abbey! We're both looking forward to the new season on Sunday!
I like that you wrote about gratefulness, which is something we should think about throughout the year, not just at Thanksgiving.
Read this post with great interest, Sue. I identified with much of what you said. I miss the traditions of Christmas past, but am I grateful for what they are....I am a Downton Abbey fan too.
My New Year's Eve was a total bust, spent in the ER. I am grateful that TODAY I felt so much better that I went to play golf with my friends. Friends--that is what I a grateful for the most this week!!
What a Grand wrap up to 2012.
It feels so hard to let go of family things sometimes and embrace the changes.
I love what you wrote about here.
Thank you!
And thanks for linking.
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