A letter from the U.S. Census Bureau arrived today, so I grabbed my No. 2 pencil and ripped into the envelope only to find out that Robert M. Groves, Director, U.S. Census Bureau, has sent me a letter to advise me that the 2010 Census form
is in the mail.
Bob (May I call you Bob?), the advance notice was unnecessary. As a genealogy near-fanatic, I have been waiting waiting waiting for the census to get here. In 100 years, my descendants will be combing through this form for information about little ole me and my family and extending my hard work right on through the millennium. I love that.
I also love the fact that Bob's letter was duplicated in five different languages, only two of which I recognized.
This is what genealogists see when they look at the 1910 Census.
Do me a favor. Keep those pencils sharp. Print legibly. And don't forget to send in your 2010 Census form promptly. Bob thanks you. I thank you. Our descendants thank you. (And I think there's tax money for schools and highways and other stuff based on how many of us are living where, so it isn't just
all genealogy. But it will be.)
OK Sue, I agree with you that the census is important and we intend to send in our forms, but did "Bob" really need to spend OUR money/postage on pre-form letters?
Bob is just so excited about the census, he lost his head and our tax money at the same time.
I love Bob and I love genealogy. nuff said.
OK, Sharon and I had this very conversation yesterday. When we saw the letter we said "Oh the Census is here." But, no, it was the "save the date" notice for the real letter next week. So, this had to cost $50 M to send. Add the other $50 M for next week's letter. And, do you think all those radio ads have been free? I bet we could have saved 30 Illinois schools with the money they threw away on this.
I feel better now. Whew!!
Mr B
I can't wait to fill out my form. Totally excited.
Mr. B, you are absolutely right. But remember, this blog is pretty much about minutiae and the humor perceived therein. Social activism may be found at kathyandfreddy.com.
peace love and rock and roll
Bob has not gotten around to us yet out here in the boonies, although we did get the "it's coming!" letter. I have a copy of long past census' from 1919 and 1930 with family signatures and occupations and it's exciting to read. We will fill ours out when and if Bob gets around to caring about counting us in the hills of Virginia. Lynn.
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