Saturday, February 13, 2010

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Over By Der

My sister in law gave me this frame made from wood salvaged from an old house. It's splintery and rough and has traces of white paint on it. She probably paid extra for the metal knob on the right. It is quite cool and matted for a 4x6 picture. As it is, Baby cannot be contained in such a small space, so I pasted him on top of the mat. Perfection.

This is what the frame makers have to say about their product:

In search of a yesterday, this frame was built from the wood of an old house in southeast Georgia. It was the front porch of gossip well-told. A wall piece of sweet remembrance from the room of a child. The ceilings and floors of echos heard, the comfort and contents the kitchen cabinets stored. From this wood a reminder of moral excellence stood -- comfortable, unchallenging places of our past. When old meets new, wisdom and hope come face to face.

Like that bit very much and the picture even more.


Sarah said...

I bought the frame with that baby in mind. I still hear the echoes of his sweet voice in my head from his recent trip to Savannah. Will hold onto those echoes until the next time I hear his little laugh!

Kristin said...

Wonderfully creative frames - much prettier than anything I've seen at the chichi boutiques :-) Enjoy the motherboard frame too : oh-so-fun! Bravo Sue's sister-in-law and an inspiring post, Sue! Will be looking at the items around me in a different light...

Kate said...

What is the company that makes this product?

Kate said...

What is the company that makes this product?