Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What Calories?



Lara said...

Ha ha, I don't even want to tell you how much weight I gained over this past week! Scheduling a Dr appt the day after Christmas was not a smart idea. My doc was not impressed with the "But it was Christmas" excuse :(

Anonymous said...

Okay, the cookies I recognize! What are the pies?????

Cuzzin Carolyn

Naperville Now said...

Lyn -- apple tarte with random macaroons. uneaten because everyone was so full. the other is quiche. I'm sending everything to Lara :)

Maureen Wyatt said...

I'm not even giving those a thought until either January arrives or I can't zip up my pants. I'm not that far off the latter. lol

Anonymous said...

Looks good to me. And you can do 1,000 sit ups every day in 2013 to make up for a piece of the apple tart with random macaroons. LOL

Anonymous said...

I made both an apple walnut pie and a cherry, but everyone opted for the cherry. I never would have guessed!


VBR said...

Please send directions to your house. I want to come over to have some of these beautiful treats!!! Beautiful display of holiday goodies!

Retired Knitter said...

Right. I am just catching up with your posts on this day, January 24th, and I am FINALLY finishing the last of those Christmas cookies. My hips say there are calories. But back in December when you wrote this post, the calorie count was 0. What a difference a month makes.