At the risk of sounding like a "Get Off My Lawn" kind of gal, I was a bit miffed that we hadn't heard from a couple of people on the guest list. Gosh, how hard is it to pick up the phone and call? How can one plan on the proper number of wrapped eels? How many quarts of pear sorbet are enough for parfaits? More importantly, how much champagne will be needed for the Mimosas? (Okay, that was a trick question. One can never have too much champagne, but you get my drift.)
As we sat down to dinner early last week with our golfing friends, I was about to start pontificating about the tardy non-RSVPers when my friend Betsy leaned in and whispered, "So, will you be joining us for Stacia's baby shower this Saturday?"
1. My hydrangeas are not in season yet.
2. How come everyone gets grandchildren except me?
3. Everything sounds yummy
4. Truer words have never been spoken about champagne.
Hate that!! I hope the egg was thrown at your face BEFORE you went off. Then it isn't egg, is it?
Gotta agree with you all, champagne should never run out.
No hydrangeas here yet and I have a ton of plants.
And....Kathy is a baby.
Nuh uh
I think you're the best!
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